iWALK Freedom
Think of all the things you cannot do when using conventional crutches (preparing a meal, walking your dog, carrying a cup of coffee). With the iWALK you no longer need to have your life interrupted. Enjoy the freedom to resume your day to day routine and enjoy pain-free functional mobility.
Can I use an iWALK?
For most people the answer is YES! iWALK crutch is easy and intuitive. It allows people with lower leg injuries (not due to weight bearing) lead functional, hands-free, pain-free lives during their rehabilitation.
Why Buy an iWALK?
Make Life Easier
Hand Free Mobility
Light Weight and Comfortable
Walk Up and Down Stairs
iWalk How To Guide
Want to know how to assemble, fit, or walk using the iWalk 3.0?
iWALK 3.0
Better than crutches!
While filming Star Wars 7 Harrison Ford broke his leg when the door of the Millennium Falcom crashed down on him. After being fitted with the iWALK 2.0, the 72 year old was walking within five minutes.